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Needed Discussion
Let me preface this by saying this is a statement of love and not hate, this community has helped me through more than most will ever know and for that it will forever hold a special place in my heart. I would like this statement to spark a discussion not cause drama. This is by no means a...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 17
- Forum: Discussion
Cayo perico Island
I think it might be cool if the cayo perico dlc was added, I have no clue how hard it would be to implement but from a perspective of new rp I feel like it could open a lot more opportunities, especially for one of the most under utilized departments on the server FAA. Members of FAA could...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Suggestions
I think that each department should be required to stay in a jurisdiction. Sheriff would be in Sandy area this includes grapseed and harmony Dpd would be in the city Troopers would be able to go anywhere in the state but would mostly stick to high ways Game Wardens would have be able to go...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Suggestions
Department of Corrections
Before I start this off I'd like to say that this suggestion would require a lot of time and effort to implement and this would be a massive change to how jail times work but I would like for everyone to at least hear the suggestion out. Additionally this suggestion will require adding a custom...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Suggestions
Add a bait car script
This would let car theft units have a much better chance of actually catching someone stealing a bait car, instead of the usual having a car with low fuel the script that I saw gave the police the ability to see into the vehicle from a camera, and allow the police to kill the engine, unlock or...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Suggestions
Suggestion for the suggestions
I have some issues with the current suggestion system, right now upvotes and down votes are combined I think that they should be separated so you can see how many up votes and down votes there are. With the current system it's not easy to see how many people actually like and dislike a...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Suggestions
RP ideas channel
I think the RP ideas channel should be re-added in the discord, this would be a great opportunity for players to get new ideas on RP that they may have never thought of or never thought anyone else would like, this could also be a channel for people to find others to do RP's with based on common...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Suggestions
Engine damage
I think that engine damage should be added, I don't think it should be too aggressive but a couple of good hits should make your car unusable, this would promote better driving for everyone, this would also remove the possibility of fail rp of people having a major crash and somehow continuing...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Suggestions
Penal code in the MDT
Yes I'm aware that you can see the laws while doing a report but I'm more so talking about adding another section that lets you look through the penal code and when you click on one it'll bring up it's description and sub sections, I think this would increase quality of life especially since for...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Suggestions
Add a hunting rifle model
Adding a hunting rifle model would be more realistic than having to shoot medium game with marksman rifles or snipers which if I'm not mistaken normal players don't have access to. My idea is to make people apply for a hunting license like they would for a department, then the Game Wardens...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Suggestions
Longer jail times and worse punishments
So currently jail times are pretty low for fairly serious crimes. If the jail times were longer this might help deter people from doing so many crimes, and if they would get longer sentences for having a prior record, this wouldn't stop it by any means but it could help deter people from...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Suggestions
Add a carry command
Add a command that makes it so you're carrying someone on your shoulder or maybe a firefighter style of hold, this could be for carrying injured people and it looks a lot better than dragging the 1 foot in front of you without touching them, this wouldn't replace dragging someone, that would...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Suggestions
Animal control building
I think we should add an animal control building so that if a Game Warden is dealing with a small animal such as a dog, cat etc. Instead of sending them to the sandy prison if no owner is found they can send them to an animal control building which would increase realism.- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 9
- Forum: Suggestions
Make it so you can contact a 911 caller
There should be a way for Leo to get into contact with a 911 caller I say this because sometimes people don't give very good information and sometimes they aren't very descriptive about their location so being able to contact them could help in locating them or getting more information before...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Suggestions
Add something to let people know Game Warden is on
Currently the only way to tell if gw's are on is asking or if they say so and most people don't ask and usually a game warden doesn't say so, Game Wardens add a whole new type of rp you can do so I feel like it's important for people to know they're on without having to ask or watch chat, I...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Suggestions
Ability for stringers to see police calls
I think there should be a way that stringers can see 911 calls, currently the only way for them to do so is going into the police cad and ive gotten mixed messages on whether thats allowed or not for non-leos, the reason I think stringers should have the ability to see 911 calls is because irl...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Suggestions
Suggestions for the seatbelt
I think the seatbelt thing should be toned down just a bit because it's a little unrealistic to go flying through a windshield because you hit the brakes a little too hard also it's not very fair to people who use keyboards because they aren't really able to make slow and smooth stops like a...- Domestic
- Thread
- Replies: 11
- Forum: Suggestions