James Andrews
New member
I believe adding permanent jail times would significantly decrease the amount of cop baiting happening in the server whilst also increasing realism. This is because too many people use the same character constantly with the sole aim to get the most amount of arrests, introducing cop baiting and it is unrealistic to see people walking around with 20+ 1st degree murder charges, which is ridiculous and slightly plagues the immersion of the RP. By adding permanent jail times for people with an unrealistic amount of arrests, this would prevent those cop baiting to gain arrests as their drive to gain arrests through cop baiting will be gone, as they would only be allowed to get a certain amount of arrests before the character being jailed for life, and ensuring that arrest records stay realistic.
In short, the positives are:
- Significantly less cop-baiting.
- Realistic arrest records.
- Dissuading people from doing repetitive crime RP
- Loss of character name.
- Loss of character phone number.
As a possible counter suggestion rather than going from the 600 days capped jail time straight to permanent jail time, rather for such repeat offenders, the jail time cap slowly scales and saves when leaving a character (which i believe is being developed) which could scale for quite far, up to days at a time which would not limit a person's game-play on the server as they could simply switch to another character and RP as such character. This will also improve realism as when you jail someone for 600 days for multiple 1st degree murders and see them out of jail 10 minutes later, it does slightly break the immersion. I believe this 600 day cap should only be increased for repeat offenders on severe crimes making jail times realistic and not seeing characters for a while will help improve the RP. Whilst this may require some complicated developer work for the devs, with the addition of another developer recently, i believe this would not pose much of a challenge for our skilled developers.
TLDR ; permanent/increased jail time prevent cop baiting.
Feel free to dm me if you have questions.
In short, the positives are:
- Significantly less cop-baiting.
- Realistic arrest records.
- Dissuading people from doing repetitive crime RP
- Loss of character name.
- Loss of character phone number.
As a possible counter suggestion rather than going from the 600 days capped jail time straight to permanent jail time, rather for such repeat offenders, the jail time cap slowly scales and saves when leaving a character (which i believe is being developed) which could scale for quite far, up to days at a time which would not limit a person's game-play on the server as they could simply switch to another character and RP as such character. This will also improve realism as when you jail someone for 600 days for multiple 1st degree murders and see them out of jail 10 minutes later, it does slightly break the immersion. I believe this 600 day cap should only be increased for repeat offenders on severe crimes making jail times realistic and not seeing characters for a while will help improve the RP. Whilst this may require some complicated developer work for the devs, with the addition of another developer recently, i believe this would not pose much of a challenge for our skilled developers.
TLDR ; permanent/increased jail time prevent cop baiting.
Feel free to dm me if you have questions.